Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Valentine for.... Me?

Well, another cookie sort of holiday has sprung up. I made some heart cookies for a little coffee shop that opened up next door to the catering kitchen, using the Lemon Cookie dough. I started with some plain cookie hearts, added a dollop of raspberry jam, and topped them with another heart with its middle cut out that I'd glazed with lemon icing, and sprinkled with red and white sparkly sugar. Lovely.

I nabbed a couple of plain hearts for my own Strange Cookie amusement. I don't think these need much explanation-- we've all eaten those starchy little Valentine hearts with the little 2 or 3 word sayings: "Be Mine", "Hubba Hubba", and the like. I made a list, but only had 4 cookies to decorate.

There were other ideas on the list that I liked: "I Heard You", "That's Fine", "You're Kidding", "Don't Worry", and "Yeah, Sure" to name a few. Feel free to use these for strange cookies of your own.

Be back soon!

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